HomeJournal of Education, Management, and Development Studiesvol. 2 no. 2 (2022)

Teaching History using Feature Films: The Ghanaian Experience

Dugba Ransford Tei | Lawrence Baffoe-Arthur

Discipline: Education



This study examines the experiences of lecturers in using feature films to teach history in the University of Cape Coast. The study specifically sought to find out the availability of historical feature films for teaching history, the criteria regarding how historical feature films are used by lecturers in teaching history and the effects of historical feature films on teaching history. The study employed descriptive research design. In all, four (4) lecturers formed the sample size for the study. The instrument used to collect data was semi-structured interview guide. The study found out that the University did not have a film library where lecturers could visit to access films for teaching. It was also revealed that most history lecturers in the university followed a wide range of guidelines whenever they use films to teach. Lastly, it was revealed that feature films usage had positive effects on the teaching and learning of history. Based on the results, it was suggested that there is the need for all stakeholders in the various universities to contribute in putting measures in place to ensure that there is the establishment of film libraries where lecturers could visit to access films for their instructional practices.


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