HomeJournal of Education, Management, and Development Studiesvol. 2 no. 3 (2022)

Competencies and Challenges among Newly Appointed Barangay Secretaries in One Local Government Unit of Bicol Region, Philippines

Teresita Salazar

Discipline: management studies



This study assessed the office competencies and challenges among the newly appointed Barangay Secretaries of Local Government Unit (LGU) of Nabua in Camarines Sur, Bicol Region in the Philippines. This descriptive method of research used questionnaire and interview using the percentage method and mean as its statistical tools using the four-scale rating to interpret the gathered data. The actual respondents of the study were the 35 of the 45 Barangay Secretaries of LGU-Nabua. Findings reveal that the office competencies of barangay secretaries along stenography, office management, records management, and human relations were all assessed as satisfactory except for computer operation which was assessed as fair. The study further revealed that challenges were seldom encountered by the respondents along their work performance. Majority of the respondents preferred training program on records management and office management but computer operation in varied software with ease may also be given emphasis. Recommendations to enhance the office competencies and address the challenges encountered by barangay secretaries in their present job were also proposed in this study.


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