School Leadership and Teachers’ Commitment to Change
Margarita Licayan
Discipline: Education
This study delves into the leadership practices of school heads in the public schools of the District of Duero, focusing on dimensions such as idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, contingent reward, active management-by-exception, and passive management-by-exception. The findings reveal commendable performance in idealized influence and inspirational motivation, with leaders fostering a positive environment and setting challenging goals. Intellectual stimulation, though satisfactory, indicates room for improvement. Notably, individualized consideration shines, contributing to increased respect and self-confidence among school staff. Transactional leadership, specifically contingent rewarding, is a strong suit, emphasizing clear goal-setting and transparent communication of expectations. Teacher respondents' commitment levels, assessed in affective, continuance, and normative dimensions, indicate areas of concern. Affective commitment is lacking, with teachers expressing limited emotional attachment to their jobs. Continuance commitment stems from the insecurity of finding better benefits elsewhere, while normative commitment is weak, lacking a sense of obligation. Statistical treatment reveals no significant correlation between leadership style and teachers' commitment to change. Both transformational and transactional leadership styles coexist, leading to a conclusion that leadership styles do not strongly influence teachers' commitment. Recommendations include leadership development programs, growth sessions for teachers, implementation of action plans, and further research with refined evaluation tools.
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