HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 3 (2024)

The Influence of Digital Marketing Strategies on Customer’s Purchase Intention of Selected Fast-Food Restaurants

Janine Pinca | Rosalinda Lacerona | Neil Holden Salcor | Ralph Michael  Licaros | Joselito Arevalo

Discipline: Marketing



Digital marketing is inevitably becoming popular in the marketing realm. Leveraging digital marketing strategies has been instrumental in fostering communication and engagement between brands and customers. However, a limited number of research explores the influence of these emerging trends on the purchase intentions of customers in the fast food chain industry. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to examine the influence of digital marketing strategies on customers’ purchase intention and to identify the most effective digital marketing strategy for crafting compelling content and disseminating marketing messages to achieve the intended marketing goal. This study employed a correlational quantitative research approach with a convenient selection of participants, utilizing a modified survey questionnaire as the principal means of data collection. The sample consisted of One Hundred Ninety-eight (198) actual customers of selected fast-food restaurants in España Boulevard, Manila. The data retrieved from the survey questionnaire was analyzed and interpreted using a Five-point Likert scale designed for measuring interval data. The findings of this research revealed that utilizing social media marketing, webinar platforms, mobile applications, and e-commerce significantly influences customer’s purchase intention. Furthermore, it came to light that there is a highly statistically significant relationship between digital marketing strategies, namely, social media marketing (r=0.864, p=0.027), brand exposure through webinar platforms (r=0.802, p=0.055), mobile applications and e-commerce (r=0.854, p=0.031) on customer’s purchase intention of selected fast-food restaurants, and a positive strong correlation between affiliate marketing (r=0.759, p=0.080) and the latter. In addition, the results revealed that there is a positive moderate correlation between content marketing (r=0.548, p=0.260), and email marketing (r=0.575, p=0.232) on customer’s purchase intention.


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