Roan Micheal A. Nituda
Orcid ID:
Affiliates: Saint Michael College of Caraga, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, Philippines
Papers | 1 | Cites/Paper | 28.00 | Cites/Author/Year | 1.12 |
Potential Citations | 28 | Cites/Author | 5.60 | h-index | 1 |
Year(s) | 5 | Papers/Author | 0.20 | g-index | 1 |
Cites/Year | 5.60 | Authors/Papers | 5.00 | hI,annual | 2.80 |
Article List
The Implemention of Preventive Drug Education Program Among Public and Private School
ACABO , JISSREL G. | Yosa, Jeffrey B. | Aguaviva, Neckcris V. | Montehermoso, Joshua Penny B. | Nituda, Roan Micheal A.