vol. 8, no. 1 (2012)
Liceo Journal of Higher Education Research
The Liceo Journal of Higher Education Research is a peer reviewed, ranked journal (Category B) by the Commission on Higher Education Journal Accreditation Service. The contents are multidisciplinary: health, behavioral and social science; business, law and public policy; education, culture and arts; philosophy and religion; science and mathematics; and, engineering, ict and technology. The main objective is to provide a forum for discussion of issues, problems and new discoveries across disciplines which affect higher education and society.The Liceo Journal is published annually every December by the Liceo Press of Liceo de Cagayan University, Cagayan de Oro City, Northern Mindanao.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Editorial Policy
Agony in Silence: Child Abuse Perpetrated by Teachers in Selected Higher Education Institutions
Hermenegilda C. Fernandez
Discipline: Social Science, Child Development, Society
Language Class Interaction: Implications on Learning Motivation
Salvador Iii C. Dela Peña
Discipline: Education Administration, Languages
Organizational Retention Capability Models: The Case of Autonomous Universities in Southern Philippines
Ma. Florecilla C. Cinches
Discipline: Education
Incidence of Substance Use among Selected Adolescents in the City of Iloilo
Rolando A. Alimen | Ma. Cecilia D. Alimen
Discipline: Social Science, Society
Information and Education Campaign on Solid Waste Management and Household Practices
Fernando T. Herrera | Lilia Z. Boyles | Ian Miculob
Discipline: Governance, Society
The Process of Redesigning a Faculty Evaluation Scheme: Building a Culture of Trust, Self-Efficacy and Autonomy in Participative Decision-Making
Maria Loida Faye C. Borbon | Ma. Florecilla C. Cinches
Discipline: Education
Effects of Metacognitive and Transformative Reflection Approaches on the Cognitive Skill of the Sophomore High School Students
Renee B. Cagas
Discipline: Education
Quality of Thesis Advising in Graduate Education in Northern Mindanao
Salvador Iii C. Dela Peña | Zenaida Gersana | Lourdes G. Tolod | Saturnina Absin
Discipline: Education
Productivity Performance and Social Contributions of the Master's and Doctoral Graduates: Perspectives for Asian Development
Jofi Valdehueza Mahilum | Teresita T. Tumapon
Discipline: Education