HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 5 (2023)

An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Inquiry on Public Relations in Higher Education Institution

Judie Ann Daniola | Maedel Joy Ventura-Escote

Discipline: Education



The primary goal of the study is to explore the perceptions of the stakeholders in the impact of public relations in higher education institution in New Bataan district. The quantitative approach utilizing an adopted test questionnaire of 100 universally selected students and parents. Moreover, the qualitative inquiry of ten purposively selected participants using an in- depth interview unfolded their perceptions in the impact of public relations in enrollment and their personal lives. The six structured themes generated the salient emerging themes such as build partnership with community, driving force to realize career goals, help in choosing course, communication and socialization skills, and apply learning to children’s career. The result of the study revealed that trust and commitment indicator under public relations got the second highest overall mean which signifies that it is not that apparent in the institution. Moreover, the study found out that the stakeholders specifically suggested to implement experiential learning to be job-ready and community extension that will have a subsequent impact in enrollment and their personal lives. Hence it is concluded that there is a need to employ this public relation program that is primarily crafted to help in improving the public relation management of the College. As a recommendation, it is imperative to invest in the quality of learning given by the instructors, conducting bridging programs and strong community involvement in the educative process of the institution.


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